Phobia in a sentence as a noun

Now a severe phobia can be cured for most people in about an hour.

An allergy to cats and a phobia of dogs seems like a perfectly acceptable thing to list in a rider.

This sounds like an old person ranting about the good ol' days when it's probably a personal phobia against change.

Now the question is, whether you would have overcome your phobia without psychedelics.

The parent comment mentioned specifically small churches with low budget/tech-phobia as well.

" It sounds like a simple request -- partially driven be a general phobia of trying things out themselves -- but it's really not okay.

Myself, I used *** to learn calculus -- or rather, to overcome a lifelong crippling phobia/anxiety of mathematics, which allowed me to rapidly learn calculus.

So many people seem to have some phobia of accentuating the ethical, freedom and community contexts that the term "free software" implies, preferring the more bitterly pragmatic "open source".That and this is a very typical RMS rant.

I'm not a radical feminist in the sense of "intercourse is rape" but hmmm... I think I have body modification phobia - so that would include women getting breast implants - and also exhibitionist phobia and also pull-the-wool-over-your-eyes phobia.

Phobia definitions


an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme and irrational fear of simple things or social situations; "phobic disorder is a general term for all phobias"