Phantasm in a sentence as a noun

I was a gentle phantasm gleefully haunting a 3D world.

With the "ph", it made me think of "phantasm", which is a kind of ghost or illusion.

It's a good discipline to argue against actual people and their beliefs, not a vague phantasm of them.

Sadness is not some ephemeral phantasm that floats beyond the body.

Who knows?I still think however that the Super AI singularity is a phantasm.

"The hocus-pocus phantasm of a God, like another Cerberus, with one body and three heads, had its birth and growth in the blood of thousands and thousands of martyrs".Source: Thomas Jefferson, Works, Vol. IV, p.

From the title, I got the wild phantasm of a language entirely encoded into folder structure - ignoring their names completely.

And that is where we are today, presented with the spectacle of a privileged billionairess who lashes out at phantasms rather than wrestling with the realities of molecular biology.

There's a nice Nietzsche quote about this:"Even the determination of what is healthy for your body depends on your goal, your horizon, your energies, your impulses, your errors, and above all on the ideals and phantasms of your soul.

Phantasm definitions


a ghostly appearing figure; "we were unprepared for the apparition that confronted us"

See also: apparition phantom phantasma fantasm specter spectre


something existing in perception only; "a ghostly apparition at midnight"

See also: apparition phantom phantasma fantasm shadow