Pester in a sentence as a verb

All of which are either on by default or pester the user to turn them on.

Moreover, they don't constantly pester me to sign up, log in, or pay them anything.

Then, go on IRC and pester the person responsible for fixing that component.

Again, you don't have to do anything and we're never going to call you and pester at work like credit collections do.

I would only like them to keep more information on hand, like a first name, or an avatar so I don't pester my user with such requests.

Of course, instead of giving people severance, when I have to lay people off, I go pester all the recruiters I know and try to get them better jobs.

If you declare a variable as mutable but then never mutate it, the compiler will pester you to make it immutable.

At this point, there are a couple of heavily funded daily deals sites that can afford to hire armies of sales people to literally pester their way into multiple local markets.

It reminded me of one of those high volume tech recruiters who pester hiring managers about their "rock star developer who just came available out of Myspace".

Assuming that everybody that initially wants something is going to somehow pester the **** out of you until they figure out how to do it doesn't seem rational.

I don't think the proper way to thank This American Life is to pester them about a data format that less than 1% of their audience can use. Idealism needs to be tempered with practicality and radicals like RMS make all patent reformists lose credibility.

At present this is just a frustration for my 2 year old as he doesnt understand why the game is no longer on the screen, but as he gets older he is more likely to try and pester me into buying.

"I still believe the media should start emphasizing how dumb it is to pester and punish people whose nude pictures got leaked instead of essentially saying, "ooh, careful with your nude pictures or they might end up on the internet!!!

You may have signed something which waives all claims, but even if you don't have a prayer of winning in a court, at the very least an attorney is going to pester the heck out of Apple rather than waiting around by the phone for them to make it their problem.

Pester definitions


annoy persistently; "The children teased the boy because of his stammer"

See also: tease badger beleaguer