Perturbed in a sentence as an adjective

I'm perturbed by the degree of entitlement on display on this thread.

When I realized, as a teenager, that this was why I was not used to homeless people, I was a little perturbed.

Tindie was one of those things that I found so cool that I was actually a bit perturbed to find out that it was just someone's side project. Some ideas just deserve more.

I'm also perturbed by how quickly I went from "Sweet, I can't wait to get glass and compile my own stuff," to "Wait, right, security holes in a 24/7 camera. Umm&;&."

I was pretty perturbed when all of a sudden, anyone I ever emailed appeared as a pre-approved contact on Talk. So, it isn't about Google being evil or not.

I find that I need some time to myself, to do my own things, or else I get perturbed. For a while there in university I would spend even 2 or 3 day alone in my apartment, without speaking, texting, or IMing anyone.

Yes, there are no cab drivers anywhere who might be perturbed by someone saying they are gay. Thanks jiggy2011, for reminding everyone that our societies issues around homophobia have been solved once and for all.

Not claiming to know anything special, but if that really is the only perturbed variable, it most likely hinged on that. Or familial ties that are somehow inscrutable.

I am a tad perturbed that a quick skim didn't present to my eyes any statements along the lines of "But we never tried it, at all, so take it with a grain of salt." Either that or I somehow completely missed the table showing the effect of the schedule on subjects vs.

To keep products and strategy static forever so that nobody gets perturbed? It seems like Google has given ample time and accessibility for its users and developers to adapt.

My salary is determined by 2 days of interviews and negotiations, and only slightly perturbed by my performance over the next several years.

I can't tell you how many programs I've seen where the wrong abstraction is never perturbed, and as a result all feature development pays a huge cost in reliability and functionality. To create or change an abstraction, you have to get your mind around all sides of it.

Data-mining discovers patterns, but it doesn't lead to deep insight into causes, and markets are perturbed by many events that you don't put into your training algorithm." The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent" is still important investment advice.

Somewhat perturbed by the expectant looks, having never heard of these institutions, and meaning to be polite and sound interested, I asked, "Are they campus universities or city universities?" .

Or, with a more historical lens, lots of history has been learned by pouring over intimate private personal correspondences of historical figures - most of whom I would imagine would feel quite perturbed to see their love letters on display in museums. Should historians not read private letters sent long ago?

It's probably pointless to respond to your post, considering the emotions you are displaying regarding this topic, you probably won't even listen to a single thing, no matter, at least others who see this reply might understand just how perturbed you really are. It is a founding principal of america for individuals to maintain and own weapons.

If anything, I'm perturbed that I've given you the impression that I'd be sanguine about it. When I read someone suggesting that the state has sentenced someone abusively, then later find a comment where that same person says posting actual images of child pornography isn't a big deal --- or, as I found even further downthread, that physically molesting a child is something that warrants a stern conversation rather than police intervention --- I'm inclined to believe that person has very little to say about sentencing that I am going to find reasonable.

Perturbed definitions


thrown into a state of agitated confusion; (`rattled' is an informal term)

See also: flustered rattled