Pernickety in a sentence as an adjective

This stance more deserves to be called pernickety than cavalier.

It feels like the most pernickety thing. If my taxi goes to where I want to go, doesn't take a silly detour for money, and doesn't physically assault me, I'm good.

Many people pernickety about grammar use that term to refer to themselves.

Sorry to be the pernickety one, Jacque but inyour opening sentence: "For a while now there are tantalizing hints that Elon Musk is at it again." isn't correct English since "are" is the wrong tense.

Fair point, I was being pernickety. I was not meaning it in terms of the Europeans being less moral, just that the Europeans had more effective tools for bison slaughter and when it got competitive, well, the results speak for themselves.

It really bothers me just how heatedly pernickety some users are. WoodenChair, your request for calm is greatly appreciated.

What my pedantic and pernickety side took issue with was the phrasing of the question and the context in which it was asked. Drew had just said he hacked together some code and you launched into a question about the confidence it must have required.

If you want to be pernickety, 'alternative vote' is also a misnomer: the word 'alternative' comes from the Latin 'alter', which means 'the other of two [options]'. There are more than two voting systems, so AV is incorrect as a name, at least to traditionalists.

That people who don't know the domain and tools well enough, and don't have the pernickety edge-case worrying mindset will introduce errors like this. Writing a report that doesn't take into account a new database table, editing permissions and leaving a big hole in them, etc.

It probably won't suit you if you're pernickety about lag and image quality, but we'd recommend checking it out nevertheless." I personally think that, after seven years, Google seems to be in the same place as a much smaller company, speaks to why it feels disappointing to me.

You might get it properly-enunciated by a university don, or certain kinds of very pernickety radio presenters.

Pernickety definitions


characterized by excessive precision and attention to trivial details; "a persnickety job"; "a persnickety school teacher"

See also: persnickety