Permafrost in a sentence as a noun

Canada may be a big winner from climate change but it won't be because of permafrost.

Much of the surface of Mars is underlain by significant amounts of water ice permafrost.

If feedback loops like the release of the methane stored in the arctic permafrost begin to run away from us, it could get pretty bad.

Siberia is likely to be much the same story, as well as large parts of Canada -- you can find your own permafrost maps for there.

It notably resists freezing, so it is very possible that the virus survived in the permafrost.

It's certainly not 58F everywhere, because in Siberia there's permafrost, and in Denmark might likely be less than 58F, too.

Building a train route overland isn't really that amazing, especially considering that we know how to deal with the permafrost these days.

Most of the population here does not live on/near permafrost, despite that map. However, if you do happen to go to Fairbanks or some more northerly hellhole, you'll find all the buildings are built on stilts, elevated a few feet off the ground.

Melted permafrost is essentially swamp land, development is generally much easier when it is in the frozen state.

Methane from thawing permafrost can act as an accelerant to global warming, and some models predict an exponential acceleration if this happens.

Especially the biological and physical data: plant and animal species ranges, bird migration patterns, permafrost melting.

On the Siberian side of the Arctic hydrocarbon bubbles already up from the sea bed probably because of Arctic amplification and recently we learned warming permafrost tends to explode and build craters.

Permafrost definitions


ground that is permanently frozen