Periwinkle in a sentence as a noun

I just hope I get a nice badge for it. I missed out on the orangered/periwinkle thing.

Not wanting to take sides, I said "how about periwinkle?

For blue we have aqua, royal blue, periwinkle, powder blue, baby blue etc.

For shady areas I'm having good results with periwinkle.

Surely there are many colors not in the rainbow: black, white, gray, brown, pink, yellow, periwinkle...

Caffeine's the obvious guess, but Vinpocetine is a nootropic made from periwinkles, and there may be others.

You may be able to correlate an individual's reported experience of periwinkle down to the exact number of potassium ions crossing the cell membrane of every relevant neuron upon there acknowledgement of the color, but you still will know nothing about why it feels like something to see periwinkle.

Periwinkle definitions


chiefly trailing poisonous plants with blue flowers


commonly cultivated Old World woody herb having large pinkish to red flowers


small edible marine snail; steamed in wine or baked

See also: winkle


edible marine gastropod

See also: winkle