Periodical in a sentence as a noun

The same as it's ever been with any ad medium, internet, periodical, etc..

Using snapshots, running periodical scrubs, having dealt with a dozen of drive failures over the years.

I only subscribe to one periodical, and it's the Economist.

When it comes to blog and periodical content, as well as software, Amazon retains the right to perform a remote delete.

NYC has a higher periodical subscription rate than other regions, partly due to the reliance on mass transit.

It could be packaging curated collections as a paid periodical.

US should have a different agency that takes comments and complaints about the TSA and then sends a periodical report to Congress about it. From my understanding, right now the complaints are sent to TSA themselves?

“That’s the same type of rhetoric people have been saying about the newspaper business, that the paper-based periodical business will be dead in three years.

Periodical in a sentence as an adjective

This is actually "[a] periodical about best practices and advanced techniques in Objective-C.

Any thoughts?Finally, since the review mentions periodicals, I think it would be great to review the periodical retention policies of the devices.

Apparently the way some people there do it by contributing some money in a pool on a periodical basis and each time the group meets, the pool is immediately given to one member, whose turn it is.

It's a weekly periodical with political analysis, word-count on articles 1500-6000.

I hear that people have even tried approaching potential clients and talking to them and once one crazy person actually spent money on soliciting business in a printed periodical with somewhat widespread distribution.

One other slightly different view I'll throw out there is that FB having to pay Instagram $1billion, is simply its "cost of doing business".For FB to maintain its leadership position -- especially with an IPO around the corner no less -- it needs to periodically "eat up" any new threats that may come along.

Oregon's media shield law applies to people who are "connected with, employed by or engaged in any medium of communication to the public", and defines "any medium of communication" thus:Medium of communication has its ordinary meaning and includes, but is not limited to, any newspaper, magazine or other periodical, book, pamphlet, news service, wire service, news or feature syndicate, broadcast station or network, or cable television system.

Periodical definitions


a publication that appears at fixed intervals


happening or recurring at regular intervals; "the periodic appearance of the seventeen-year locust"

See also: periodic