Periodic in a sentence as an adjective

A periodic topic that has come up on HN in the past few weeks is how people can make money in a non-copyright world.

Plan Colombia is a periodic subsidy sent by the US to Colombia to help with the war on *****.

In both spaces we get periodic design documents and slide ware that look really cool and get everyone all excited.

Please, don't use periodic table to visualize anything by elements.

I also know that regualr, periodic consumption of it will negatively effect my health.

Intel used to have a debug mode based on an SMI++ like mode, where the chip would periodically dump the entire state of the machine out to memory.

I find linkedin is the most useful social network I'm a part of, even though I rarely visit it. I have made many professional connections, and linkedin aggregates them nicely and I find the periodic emails of people getting new jobs or new titles to be very interesting.

We've learned that many of these requests are bulk demands for many, many people at a time, often demanding data to be delivered indefinitely thereafter on a periodic basis.

These tools exist for the bigger fish: the dozens of Soviet-era nuclear weapons believed to be missing, or the small amounts of dangerous pathogens that periodically vanish from research labs.

These tools are very highly regulated -- often the internals are inspected by state officials, the devices are sealed, and operators are required to bring them back in for periodic re-testing.

Interference patterns of periodic, coherent reaction-diffusion waves in cytoplasm and larger spatial scales could account for scale-free information patterns regulating biological systems including the brain.

Periodic definitions


happening or recurring at regular intervals; "the periodic appearance of the seventeen-year locust"

See also: periodical


recurring or reappearing from time to time; "periodic feelings of anxiety"

See also: occasional