Perceive in a sentence as a verb

Every time the author makes a, "he" statement, you can just perceive a subtle, "but not me." The faintest signal for both the reader, and for himself.

Most people who the 'middle class' perceive as lower class are almost sub humans in their eyes. This is another reason in my opinion the Delhi gang rape case was such a big deal.

Did you just tell me to go spend thirty hours banging my head against solid objects, in exchange for nebulous benefits that I can't even perceive yet?" B: "Why, yes, I believe I did!"

Or does it merely suggest that they are so busy struggling with glass-cockpit syndrome that they can't perceive that their site is broken on the iPad?

I exaggerate, but this is basically the elitist mentality I perceive behind the actual quote. Am I way off base here?

The best way to connect with others is to understand how they perceive things and find ways to relate to them, not enforcing your own world view onto them.

The people's oil is taken out of the ground by an illegitimate government propped up by the people who buy the oil at what they perceive to be below the fair price. Make no mistake, the source of the problem is the United States.

This is such a tremendously important message that I don't think you can even hope to accurately perceive the world without really internalizing it. The other day, someone told me a story.

If you perceive any value at all out of physorg. com, you should be happy that Google is underwriting it out of their massive pile of money that they get out of controlling navigation and advertising on the Internet.

Likewise, humans don't perceive colors exactly and that might add another layer that would diminish people comparing themselves so much and trying to score points. I guess I think it would be interesting to see if this would be a nice balance.

I get the feeling that the author was judging the person he was helping far more harshly than the perceived judgement she might have passed on him. Maybe she was tired, clearly she was frustrated, but it wasn't obvious that she held the author in any disdain, though the author seemed to perceive it.

I believe the reason here is that most Egyptians are either employees or owners of very small businesses, and would not perceive themselves as even potentially large business owners. Egypt being a poorer country and all.

I later learned that some people have a genetic predisposition to perceive cilantro, an herb common in Mexican food, as a soapy taste [1] [2]. Maybe in the case of these laptops, nobody who was involved in production / QA had the right gene to be bothered by the smell.

By taking this action Debian is protecting their users from what they perceive as an IP threat. While it may seem a little silly, I am very glad they're doing this if only because it's drawing attention to how far Canonical has gone with some of their whacky and controlling decisions.

We've been full-time nomads for 4 years, and are in the middle of our second year of travel outside the USA. This article is a good overview for a particular type of travel, which I tend to perceive as vacation travel. Its great to take a year off, and see all those countries on $22k, and if you're considering doing that, I highly recommend doing something like what he's doing!

The job of a marketeer is to communicate an idea so that you can see it and perceive it the same way the marketeer does. That requires that you first discover the perceptual language of the target, then translate the message into that perceptual language, communicate it, and then test again for understanding.

On a similar note - I have exact same problem with how I perceive woman and man having multiple sexual partners. "Good key opens many locks, but good lock is opened by only one key" and all that ******** - I know that it's ridiculous to hold woman and men to different standard in this regard, and I mostly learned to don't do that, but my...

That was the moment I decided to finally leave GitHub." Certain people are extremely sensitive to what they perceive as improper or demeaning interaction, even when it doesn't directly involve them. JAH wasn't willing to let those women deal with it themselves, and doesn't mention even talking to them about it to see if they felt objectified.

How you communicate policy changes is important, but if your communication includes "How do we massage the fact that we know this is going to inconvenience everyone in our organization regarding one of the core benefits they perceive from working here?" , communication is not the problem.

It's this: *** confronts you, in an extremely visceral way, with the fact that the entire universe that you perceive and interact with, the whole world and everybody in it, is entirely in your own mind at all times. Sure, it's perfectly reasonable to believe that it's all derived from an objective, external world - but you've never interacted directly with that one, and in fact you can't.

I exaggerate, but this is basically the elitist mentality I perceive behind the actual quote. To me, this comes off as a desperate attempt to defame this movement because it threatens to demote the status of basic technology roles from "elite magic" to "basic literacy" -- and to some people, apparently that's not an amazing social good, but a terrifying prospect of power loss.

Quote Examples using Perceive

The real answer is that we perceive this because we are used to turning in the horizontal plane. If you see yourself in the mirror and you raise your right hand, the guy in the mirror is raising his left hand. But how do you know that it is his left hand? Mentally you place yourself in his position by rotating yourself and then you check which hand it is, but by doing this rotation your left hand ends up in the position of your right hand in the mirror. So even though the alignment of you and your mirror image appears to be perfect on first sight, it actually isn't. If we were creatures that are used to only turning in the vertical plane, then we'd perceive the same image as top/bottom inversion.


Perceive definitions


to become aware of through the senses; "I could perceive the ship coming over the horizon"

See also: comprehend


become conscious of; "She finally perceived the futility of her protest"