Peppercorn in a sentence as a noun

It may, in fact, be a literal peppercorn.

In the ToS, add a charge of 2 guineas, 5 shilling, a sixpence and a peppercorn per request.

They're talking cranberry while Pluto would be a smallish peppercorn.

> Is this just a case of requiring a peppercorn?Yes.> If not, how do $1/year salaries work?It depends on each state's regulations.

I can't help but think getting some peppercorn investments from naive hollywood stars so that you can astro-turf some good PR for your 'eco-water' is a viable strategy.

Then you lease the property back to the former owner, from the LLC, with a "peppercorn rent"--essentially a gestural payment that can be easily made, so long as the lessee remains competent.

I'm not an expert in media laws, but my understanding from the broadcast days was that TV broadcasters got access to radio spectrum for effectively zero or peppercorn rates and in return were required to broadcast a certain level of local content.

Peppercorn definitions


pungent seasoning from the berry of the common pepper plant of East India; use whole or ground

See also: pepper