Penning in a sentence as a noun

So I thought of penning down my learnings in this article.

As far as I know, this is the first time Snowden is directly penning an article.

I'd probably just end up electrocuted, dust spec penning traps run a couple hundred volts...

You can bet, a hundred people are furiously and actively penning their scripts regarding this.

Sometimes you write an outline, and in the process of penning down a quarter of the story and fleshing out the characters and setting you come up with more and more ideas.

He was about ready to give up on starting businesses - penning a sad blog entry about failing and not being sure where he was going next - when he came together with some other founders to do Backupify.

Rayiner's interjection that the "actual" incitement to the penning of the fourth amendment was, specifically, the intrusion of the British into citizens' homes may be correct.

Actual article headline:"Hubble finds three surprisingly dry exoplanets: 'Hot Jupiters' had only one-tenth to one one-thousandth the amount of water predicted"Ever thought of a career penning clickbait?

Now somebody speculating on the internet is unacceptable?When Robin Thicke was attacked for penning a "date-rape anthem" were you the voice of reason in that conversation encouraging people to actually look up the lyrics and act like adults?Yeah, I'm looking for a reason this verdict came out because the case for actual copyright infringement is really weak.

The author also makes some baseless assertions without provided reasoning in regards to "taking the law into your own hands" and its desirability--again, an interesting philosophical starting point lost on the moron penning the paragraph.~Look, I'm not going to launch into crazy copyright and anti-copyright discussion here, but for ****'s sake can we start posting articles on this topic that try to display critical thought?This is insulting.

I believe it's clear from the writings of the founders that, in penning the constitution and its initial batch of amendments, they weren't merely objecting to specific instances of wrong doing nor the technical implementation of such malice; they were, fundamentally, objecting to the very philosophy that suggested any person could possibly have a legitimate authority to rummage through the entirety of someone else's life at will and without any constraint or oversight.

Penning definitions


the act of creating written works; "writing was a form of therapy for him"; "it was a matter of disputed authorship"

See also: writing authorship composition