Penicillin in a sentence as a noun

I mean, you're not going to give long odds against gravity or penicillin winning, right?

Had a relative that was given intravenous penicillin by a GP and it almost killed her.

Anyone capable of making the "next penicillin" or "a carbon-free plane" is going to do so without the need for a 1m prize.

Also penicillin and the smallpox vaccine, the internet - but you know, whatever...

Many of the early antiobiotics, for example penicillin, are derived from mycotoxins produced by fungi.

Traditional Chinese Medicine used penicillin indirectly, but never managed to understand or extract it.

It was Mohandas, after learning that the penicillin had to be\n administered by injection every four to six hours, who finally persuaded\n his youngest son to give up the idea.

This is, as mentioned, expensive as ****, and manpower intensive.- Phage therapy is fairly novel in the West, due to some problems in the early days of phage therapy followed swiftly by the discovery of penicillin.

I stopped reading at this point: > ...when Gandhi's wife lay dying of pneumonia and British doctors\n > insisted that a shot of penicillin would save her, Gandhi refused to\n > have this alien medicine injected in her body and simply let her die.\n\nTrue as far as it goes, but a near-slanderous distortion of what actually happened: To those who tried to bolster her sagging morale saying "You will get\n better soon," Kasturba would respond, "No, my time is up.

Penicillin definitions


any of various antibiotics obtained from Penicillium molds (or produced synthetically) and used in the treatment of various infections and diseases