Penchant in a sentence as a noun

I am a software developer with a penchant for pedantry.

Fortunately, this case is much more about Charlie Shrem and his penchant for violating laws than Bitcoin itself.

I like to consider it a British penchant for piercing the corporate veil and de-reifying the collective.

When you hold a bunch of information in your head, you benefit from your brain's penchant for making weird collisions and connections.

It appears the author has a penchant for bashing China at every opportunity.

When I first learned who Dave McClure was and saw his flippant attitude and penchant for profanity, I was not a fan. I thought he seemed extremely unprofessional and was making other startup founders look bad.

This is the real issue, regardless of whether Snowden is a saint, a prostitute, a Dutch double-agent or an alien with a penchant for bicycles.

IOS and Mac OS both have a penchant for faux-realism and pastiche which always seems strangely incongruous with the austere industrial design.

Oh, and they also picked a location literally across from Harvard Yard, filled with a constantly rotating customer base with a penchant for reading.

Very unique company structure, even considering the relative penchant for anarchy in the tech field.

Posts on a new-ish, interesting programming language on a site frequented by a large number of programmers with a penchant for new, interesting languages.

About 80% of the time, I can tell I'm reading one of your comments because of this penchant you have for telling geeks that the things they're arguing about don't matter to normal people or to businesses.

Matt, my biggest problem with CloudFlare by a country mile is the ambulance chasing you guys do in your marketing and your penchant for inserting yourself in the story when you're not even involved.

This is a continuation of the Bush-era penchant for secrecy that included a secret interpretation of the law to allow warrantless eavesdropping and torture.

Penchant definitions


a strong liking; "my own preference is for good literature"; "the Irish have a penchant for blarney"

See also: preference predilection taste