Pectoral in a sentence as a noun

Make sure you stretch your pectorals often: open arms out to sides.

They will stop in the water, use the pectoral fins to hold stable and then curl their tail to one side.

It seems like every man in the entire place could crush my skull just by flexing their pectorals.

A co-worker of mine was there too, same symptoms, but he had disfunctional pectoral muscles.

One of them fractured my sternum when he punched me after I mouthed off. I still have the bony ridge and slightly deformed pectoral.

Even though chiropractors are the latest hazard to human health, pectoral stretches will give you a lot of relief.

Overdeveloping your front deltoid, as well as tight pectoral muscles, can lead to hunched shoulders.

Pectoral in a sentence as an adjective

I wonder why most ergonomic keyboards have the halves pointed in, so your hands are like /\, rather than V. When I used a Freestyle I greatly preferred the V shape, quite spread apart, to reduce pectoral tightness.

When you sit in the front of the computer your hands on the keyboard, your pectoral muscles are being shortened, your shoulder turn inward and posture becomes hunched.

I actually paid $100 for a trip to the emergency room with this strange pain under my left pectoral and got told they couldn't a damn thing, probably just muscle pain.

Next time, I suggest trying to ask for a locoregional anesthesiologist to perform a pectoral block.

Wow, I just done this and my whole upper back started cracking!How does this fix my pain long-term?> your pectoral muscles are being shortenedDoes this move stretch the pectoral muscles?

Lately I’ve been having issue with the pectoral minor vs. one of the rotator muscles that’s been making overhead pressing a very pinchy experience.

Humans have fantastic pectoral muscles because we evolved from brachiating primates, for instance.

Pectoral definitions


either of two large muscles of the chest

See also: pectoralis pecs


an adornment worn on the chest or breast


of or relating to the chest or thorax; "pectoral organ"

See also: thoracic