Peacemaker in a sentence as a noun

In fact, Krishna himself had acted as peacemaker, and asked Arjuna to take take up arms only when that failed.

Her peacemaker can be disabled using a simple magnet.

For what it is worth, Mubarak has been a peacemaker in the Middle East, and largely a protector of Egyptian minorities.

I try to be a peacemaker, which has led to some improvement, but politics definitely hampers efficiency, and it's one reason I need to not work for big companies.

I used to hold the same opinion as you but I realized it was out of a strong desire to be an affable peacemaker for something that is essentially concentration camps for animals.

Peacemaker definitions


someone who tries to bring peace

See also: conciliator make-peace pacifier reconciler


a belt-fed machine gun capable of firing more than 500 rounds per minute; used by United States troops in World War II and the Korean War

See also: Peacemaker