Pacifier in a sentence as a noun

It is like a pacifier to stick in the public's mouth.

Third baby - pacifier held out so dog can lick it clean between uses

Why, I don't mind your kid or any other using pacifier.

That's not the same purpose, it will not block the crying orifice as do the pacifier.

And as for the last one, neither of my two children could ever get the hang of a pacifier.

It gets worse when child is asking for pacifier, favorite tv show, playground etc.

Parents will buy a game on their phone and hand it to their kid like its the pacifier of the 21st century.

Its a pacifier rather than a major policy change.

Same reason why you should suck your kids pacifier if you have a healthy digestive system.

First baby - pacifier gets sterilized between uses 2.

It's just a pacifier for a small number of corporate executives.

Second baby - pacifier goes through dishwasher between uses 3.

Develop your own way of ensuring that the pacifier cannot be swallowed and prove that it's effective\n2.

"I'm sure we all know people who treat their phone like a pacifier and are always screwing around with it at meetings, social occasions, etc.

'Dummy' means 'pacifier' in some places, so 'spitting the dummy' literally refers to the temper tantrum of a baby.

I favor it because I think it promotes cognitive development, whereas a pacifier does not.

The 5 steps that every new parent should learn are: Swaddle, roll on Side, make a Shushing sound, Swing the baby back and forth, then finally Soothe with a pacifier.

I have a friend whose pacifier story would make a good tv show, with the kid solemnly taking the thing in the dustbin and the father frantically searching the bin at 2am.

The 'vote' was nearly a month after the invasion.>Kiev's "pacifier" operationI have no knowledge of this. I do remember that Ukrainian paras and LEOs cracked down on extreme [Ukrainian] nationalist in the Western Ukraine before they began the fight against the Cossack invasion.>Putin recognized...10 years ago that the Ultra-Nationalists in Russia would tear the country apart.

Pacifier definitions


someone who tries to bring peace

See also: conciliator make-peace peacemaker reconciler


anything that serves to pacify


device used for an infant to suck or bite on

See also: comforter