Patchwork in a sentence as a noun

Perhaps having to face the patchwork would motivate online sellers to lobby for that improvement.

I know desks that would make 2-3 million a day net with very shitty hardware and patchwork system with lowlevel to mediocore guys working on it.

Whether the result is a quick-and-dirty patchwork job or a carefully crafted work of art, you have to admire the cleverness that went into it.

It's a shitty, ad-hoc, cobbled-together patchwork of C and Smalltalk, yet it's tremendously popular now because that's what the iPad is programmed in.

So, because of this, you have a ridiculous patchwork and mishmash of transit "solutions" from various levels of government, none of them really working well.

Now if there were just a time slider...But it's also very cool that Google Maps no longers looks like a big patchwork of images from totally different satellites and sources.

I'd often wondered if the patchwork, self-contradicting, non-standard, anarchistic nature of PHP was a reflection of the mind-set of the creators.

Our country has become a patchwork system of slapped-together corporate garbage, whether you're talking about its healthcare coverage or the way most of us have to work.

I'm happy that things are moving in a direction I agree with but I view the patchwork of state and municipal legislation as sub-optimal and largely a work in progress.

It's a neatly integrated patchwork of commonly-used, standards-happy, open-source frameworks and libraries, and it'll work happily on safari and chrome and on my phone.

I love reading about how companies scale their BigHuge data but it bothers me that we still haven't reached the point where scalability is a commodity instead of a patchwork of technology that everyone actor solves in their own way.

15 years ago, researchers thought they'd killed memory corruption code execution off for good with stack cookies; the years that followed have been a story of new countermeasures introduced, hailed as a single bullet, bypassed by clever attacks, and then fit into a patchwork of defenses that have made exploits progressively harder, but not close to impossible, to build.

Patchwork definitions


a theory or argument made up of miscellaneous or incongruous ideas

See also: hodgepodge jumble


a quilt made by sewing patches of different materials together


sewing consisting of pieces of different materials sewn together in a pattern