Patchouli in a sentence as a noun

Some of the hippie-ish street kids like patchouli.

There is no olfactory assault from urine, feces, patchouli, and pot.

I wonder how many of the no soap/no shampoo people neglect to mention the clouds of patchouli stink they walk around in.

But it's not actually a prevailing smell here in SF. I smell pot in the streets everyday, patchouli only rarely.

Using organic soaps like a patchouli scented hippy.

San Francisco always has that unique aroma of urine, patchouli oil, and pot.

But, there were so many hippies around where I grew up that I literally thought patchouli was what people smelled like when then hadn't bathed in a week.

The fact is, there are actually very few people who are true eccentrics like Steve Jobs who meet with important people wearing no shoes and smelling like patchouli.

When we looked around, it was easy to find a really good certified nurse midwife who was very professional and didn't smell like patchouli.

[0] The phrase "New Age Fascism" conjures up visions in my mind of patchouli-scented paisley-shirted brigades shipping people with "bad auras" off to camps.

Patchouli definitions


small East Indian shrubby mint; fragrant oil from its leaves is used in perfumes

See also: patchouly pachouli


a heavy perfume made from the patchouli plant

See also: patchouly pachouli