Patched in a sentence as an adjective

Is there a reason why WebKit 2 cannot be patched to provide those advantages?This seems like a failure of open source.

If you run an OpenID-enabled server now it's a great time to make sure your implementation is patched.

Over time they patched in support for colored displays, then 2-way navigation wheel, then 4-way navigation ball, and later on touchscreens.

Had he reported it to GitHub and they patched it, which is arguably the proper thing to have done, nothing would have happened on the Rails side of the equation.

If anything it hurts-- it mandates closed-source options that cannot easily be audited, and it slows down the upgrade cycle thus preventing bugs that emerge from being quickly patched.

" One of them was of the opinion that, if I hadn't patched, he would be in Big Red Button mode today, because no machine or data on a local network with an unpatched Rails instance is safe.

"Remember that time akamai ran vulnerable code in production for 13 years and the bug got patched two days after they open-sourced it" should be able to drive open source contributions at all kinds of companies.

They made a reasoned decision based on: - gems shouldn't be installed via ports in the first place\n - the ports are not being maintained by BSD\n - the gems/ports in question would need to be patched \n\nYou turned that into "rails sux, BSD rules.

How do you expect the consumer to have perfect knowledge, rationality and freedom of choice in that scenario?If your kid is gushing blood, you call an ambulance to take them wherever they can get patched up the fastest.

He's clearly been going about this the proper white-hat way and ensuring holes are patched before open disclosure... what's there to lose?On the **** side, you could go about doing what you're doing under the presumption nobody is maliciously targeting your user base.

MySQL is a poor analogy because the history of MySQL is very similar to 10gen: a 'hacker' solution originally patched together by people who didn't take their responsibility as database engineers very seriously.

Patched definitions


mended usually clumsily by covering a hole with a patch; "patched jeans"


having spots or patches (small areas of contrasting color or texture); "a field patched with ice and snow"; "the wall had a spotty speckled effect"; "a black-and-white spotted cow"

See also: spotty spotted