Passionate in a sentence as an adjective

I learned how to be passionate without being overwhelming. My kids are going to school.

I'd also caution against "this person needs to be passionate about my idea or we won't" hire them. I see that all the time, too.

Don't do startups for the money, do them because you are passionate about what they are trying to create. If you do them for the money you will become bitter and depressed.

Music is one of those things that is central to a lot of people's lives and you couldn't ask for a more passionate userbase.

That's how people speak in real life when they are angry or passionate. We shouldn't lose that simply because of a perceived lack of professionalism.

I'd go one step further and say that it's likely many of them are working on something they're passionate about: Their families.

Aren't as good a sources of news as you think, and you just haven't noticed until they covered a story in your domain that you are passionate about. I used to listen to NPR everyday.

I mean, it's absolutely great that these folks are so excited, so passionate about design. But I don't think it has to be so cosmically meaningful for it to be exciting.

Anyone who's had the chance to own a Meego device knows how incredibly talented and passionate the team behind Jolla is. \nI'm really looking forward to see how the OS and apps feel on Jolla.

Brilliant, passionate, energetic, and visionary in a way that no one else can ever be. I don't believe any company in history has had the 10 year record of Apple in the 00's.

Mouse gestures, broad customizability, passionate users and some of the greatest people working in the company. I'm pretty certain that Opera's future is bright and shiny!

I'm passionate about providing great open source tools, my business and reputation are built on Capistrano and I don't want to give it up, but it's destroying me.

I believe Mr. Greenspan is both sincere and passionate about what he believes but what he asserts is really a case to be made to the legislative policy-makers, not to the courts. There may indeed be incredible unfairness in the way in which these laws are framed and applied.

So think about your own career, think about what you want to do, what mark you want to make on the world, what things are you passionate about. Sometimes a company changes direction, from market forces or personnel changes and the company and the individual become less aligned.

His almost hysterical, passionate, hyper, consuming personality made it a completely one-sided encounter. It was my pleasure to just sit and listen.

Someone commented this on the original post: >People who work on something they aren't passionate about deserve neither, and their sacrifice will go unnoticed. To which I reply: That's an extremely arrogant, insulting and self-entitled notion.

I've been working on a project myself, something I'm passionate about and looking forward to my own "Show HN" thread, but this trend of negativity really makes me hesitate. I think this is a really cool project, and I commend ianstormtaylor for pushing the envelope and advancing the state of the web.

However, you are a founder of the company, and I am assuming very passionate about the company's mission as well as financially motivated to see this thing through. There are tons of jobs that will need to be done as you guys grow, and each one of those is an opportunity for you to contribute above and beyond what a new hire off the street could accomplish.

There are a lot more people out there who would be happier doing a startup, or any kind of entrepreneurial endeavor focussed on something they are really passionate about, than are actually doing one. There's really a lot we can do in this arena, and I don't think this industry's exhortations or encouragement really represents some kind of dismissal of women's choices or co-opts free will.

disclaimers about personal viewpoints and preferences> Just want to focus on the pursuit of perfection that I find so energizing - to put another way, if you had someone this passionate running each of the major airlines, I wonder what air travel would be like instead of the race-to-the-bottom experience it is now.

Passionate definitions


having or expressing strong emotions