Partake in a sentence as a verb

Why should people hide in their homes to partake in something that you don't personally care for?

My experience is similar:From time to time I partake in the HN freelancer thread.

You can't partake of the global economy when you're shitting yourself to death.

I think the reason why ars advocated a boycott was as a 'protest' to show Apple that it must not partake in such activities.

I'd like to participate in F1 racing, but the research and engineering costs are too high for me as an individual to partake in.

Think about this like patio11 or Greenspun: work on stuff that makes money/value for the business, go talk to your managers, point to the thing you created and say "this generated $X in revenue for us. I'd like to partake in some of that revenue.

Just because there are people on quora that answer questions well doesn't mean that they don't partake in questionable business practices and that you can find the answers elsewhere.

So maybe the lesson is to lighten up on the little battles of parenting, but pay very careful attention to the neighborhood you live in, the schools your kids go to, and the activities they partake in.

With respect to Adria's past and her sensitivity to the triggers she refers to, a comment like this is not demeaning to women and her reaction has nothing to do with supporting the future of this industry and the women who partake in it.

When you went to your family practice physician, your endocrinologist, your dietitian, or whomever, you would hear that diet is the very best treatment, and you would hear specifics on what foods you should avoid, what you can safely partake in, and what might or might not work for you, depending on you[3].I'm not naive enough to think this would solve all of our problems, but the amount of **** food being eaten under the guise of "everything is OK in moderation" is, literally, killing people.

Here's the flipside:--most people working in Amazon warehouses are employed by temporary staffing firms, not Amazon--most people working in Amazon warehouses don't come anywhere near 3 years of tenure before quitting or being fired--reimbursement is limited to $2,000/year for four years, while $5,000/year is pretty much the minimum direct cost to take such programs--the program is limited to full-time workers, so only those who can take classes while working full-time and mandatory-or-you-get-fired overtime can partakeThe number of warehouse workers eligible for this is nearly zero.

Partake definitions


have some of the qualities or attributes of something


have, give, or receive a share of; "We shared the cake"

See also: share


consume; "She didn't touch her food all night"

See also: touch