Pantomime in a sentence as a noun

In frantic pantomime, he’ll pull the emergency brake and disengage the clutch.

"He could have ignored them, stumbled naked into the streets of a foreign country and tried to beg for help, maybe using some form of pantomime.

You could have just as easily said what you thought I meant and why you think it's wrong, instead of turning it into this stupid pantomime.

Sans a clearly defined specific goal it resembles pantomime.

There's also no need to go looking for pantomime villains; car dealers are hugely powerful in local and state politics.

Pantomime in a sentence as a verb

Yes because a real world organization with IT systems going back 50+ years is exactly like some me to macbook and MBA start up with two men and a pantomime horse in old street.

I swear, I can usually walk to my destination in the time it takes to watch a Chicago cabbie pantomime with the card reader in an effort to convince me it's broken.

You'll likely be able to make your point through pantomime or by mimicking "language with an arrangement of pictographs," but knowing the correct vocabulary and syntax would get you there much more quickly.

Communities, rife as they were with gossip, ostracism and superstitious cruelty, were always based on mutual need, not on acting out some supposedly gene-based pantomime.

And at the same time as the total number of nuclear warheads in the world is slowly decreasing, the total number of actors holding those weapons is greater than ever, with the proliferation of nuclear materials and technologies spreading despite all rhetoric and pantomime surrounding the NPT.

Pantomime definitions


a performance using gestures and body movements without words

See also: mime


act out without words but with gestures and bodily movements only; "The acting students mimed eating an apple"

See also: mime