Panting in a sentence as a noun

I don't want to start panting after taking up a flight of stairs or when I walk or cycle.

Huffing and puffing and panting and smelly, Fire belches forth from her fat cast iron belly.

And here we are, breathless and panting, moving onto the next big thing - hardware, biotech... Hey its all good stuff.

"Look at you, hacker: a pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you run through my corridors.

"While animals get rid of excess heat by panting, they cant pant when they gallop"Why can't animals pant and gallop at the same time?

Only now, with a population of many billions that we are seeing that Earth is panting, trying to catch up with our wasteful ways.

Wolves and dogs can't do this over nearly the same distance humans can they shed body heat through panting and can only keep up a run for 3-6 miles[0].

Because we cool by sweating rather than panting, we can stay cool at speeds and distances that would overheat other animals.

Leaving panting with abstract ideas better conveyed though words and meaningless garbage.

"Well, in our country," said Alice, still panting a little, "you'd generally get to somewhere else if you run very fast for a long time, as we've been doing.

Daily hard exercise - the panting, heart-pounding, drenched in sweat kind of exercise - increases your metabolism.

We waited 15 minutes when finally a sweaty, scruffy dude comes running into the room panting all apologetic-like.

I can ride again to work without turning into a pouch of water, turned from unable to run 1km without panting to death to running 10km not effortlessly but "easily" nonetheless.

Most common symptoms of PFO are described in the article: "migraine headaches, or have altitude sickness at 5,000 feet instead of 10,000 feet, or find yourself panting while doing a slow jog, no matter how often you train.

Sounds consistent with Walking with Cavemen in which they related the hypothesis that the human nose is so protruding so that it can be breathed through for temperature control, rather than by panting which loses water.

By glorifying unemployment, you're proposing removing the efforts which maintain our socioeconomic position & direction, soon leaving us with insufficient effort to even maintain a status quo."Well, in our country," said Alice, still panting a little, "you'd generally get to somewhere else if you run very fast for a long time, as we've been doing.

Panting definitions


breathing heavily (as after exertion)

See also: heaving


any fabric used to make trousers

See also: trousering