Palatable in a sentence as an adjective

Steam may be heavily encumbered with DRM but Valve has piled on huge loads of sugar to make it palatable, more and more each year.

Good extensions get taken up in committee, and if they can be made palatable to all involved, they get standardized.

Considering they have revenue & a business model - it's more palatable than snapchat getting offered 3B by FB in cash & turning it down.

Reading the article and comments, it seems unreasonably palatable...A memory from my childhood: Toast with butter and sugar sprinkled on top.

Providing diverse, palatable, and nutritious meals for an entire family every day must be exhausting.

It's the same wall of information with sporadic and indecipherable levels of emphasis made to look mildly palatable for another couple of years.

The fact that Google believes it may be able to derive value from the Meebo bar product does not mean that Meebo was in a position to derive similar value at a palatable level of risk.

To him, there is no freedom but absolute freedom; any compromise whatsoever is unacceptable, and he will not sugar-coat his opinions to make them more palatable to those that don't think the same way that he does.

We're building infrastructure to make bank-to-bank transfers palatable to consumers and drive their cost toward zero, but it's only if thought leaders like the Collisons embrace the move away from CC's that the move will happen.

Palatable definitions


acceptable to the taste or mind; "palatable food"; "a palatable solution to the problem"

See also: toothsome