Intercostal in a sentence as a noun

The intercostals are the muscles that control how close together your ribs are.

My GP was still telling me I just had intercostal muscle pain and to take painkillers and come back later even after the hospital had figured it out.

Instead I've been diagnosed by pain management as having intercostal neuralgia of the first rib and possible costochondritis.

Intercostal in a sentence as an adjective

In the film "Manda Bala", there's a scene where a team of surgeons, led by the world expert in this particular procedure, insert a scrap of reshaped intercostal cartilage under a patient's scalp to reconstruct an amputated ear.

I fall gently on the floor and said to my friends I had pain on my heart, they panicked a little and quickly called the emergencies, I described my symptoms to the operator and they promptly told me it only was intercostal pain, that I should eat and rest for the day.

Intercostal definitions


muscles between the ribs; they contract during inspiration


located or occurring between the ribs; "intercostal muscles"