Palace in a sentence as a noun

I could be living in a palace petting a phoenix by now. If I didn't like this guy before...

It is about families living in a mess that should have been a palace. But the handyman had so much jobs to do he just could make up his mind were to begin.

I mean, common, "His house is a pompous, minimally decorated two story palace with stone lions guarding the door." You lost me right there.

I know it must be worth a lot for the area he lives in but it's still amusing they call his two story plain looking house a "palace."

Home" is based on tract housing from the 1950s; yet even if home to you is an apartment, condo unit, palace, or boat, that icon still means "home". There's another example.

The article states there is a palace, but he has repurposed it as a shelter for the homeless. This is is a deliberate decision, not becasue of a lack of resources.

What they describe as a "pompous two story palace with stone lions guarding the door" looks to me like a quite average suburban house. Yes, I get that there are people substantially worse off, but they're not getting any sympathy with **** like that.

If David Miranda gets stopped at Heathrow and: On the following morning, the general requested permission to return the emperor's visit, by waiting on him in his palace. A pitched battle followed.

> The horror stories you hear about—where aid just helps a dictator build a new palace—mostly come from a time when a lot of aid was designed to win allies for the Cold War rather than to improve people’s lives. Since that time, all of the actors have gotten much better at measurement.

Let's say you need a palace, a security detail, a motorcade, and a jet to have all of "the trappings" for the ruling family. If you assign some costs to these things, say $500k/yr for the palace, $1mm/yr for security, $500k/yr for motorcade, and $10mm/yr for the jet, you can figure out the annual cost -- $12mm/year in this example.

See if I can create a memory palace for Rubix cube algorithms as I've recently decided I want to be able to master the 3x3 one. Now if I can only force myself to forget that Kermit the lettuce head is going to greet me when I get home by warning me that Kevin Bacon is chasing pigs through my living room, that someone accidentally formatted my SD card bed and that the sun is supposed to be extra Orange and juicy today.

Palace definitions


a large and stately mansion

See also: castle


the governing group of a kingdom; "the palace issued an order binding on all subjects"


a large ornate exhibition hall


official residence of an exalted person (as a sovereign)