Pacing in a sentence as a noun

I just think it's a decent guide and a good pacing tool.

Occam is pacing back and forth and stroking his beard on this one, that's for sure.

Only topped by pacing round the office on a mobile who's route goes behind your chair.

The thing is, I already had trouble pacing myself.

Another example would be pacing back and forth waiting to switch the milkers on the cows during the bi-daily 1-2 hr chores.

But unless you expect your company to be bought a week after you found it, you should probably be pacing yourself at least a little.

You should make the rewards for freeing a prisoner appear instantly, waiting for those items to appear kills the pacing of the game somewhat.

The funny thing for me, is that the better I've gotten at programming, the less time I've spent with my hands on the keyboard writing code, and the more time I've spent pacing around my desk or staring at the ceiling.

Actually, I find it perfectly comprehensible when said aloud with the right emphasis and pacing - it's only difficult to understand when written down with no punctuation.

Everything about the science points to the advantage, from the pacing strategy he uses, to the German-testing that found mechanical and metabolic differences, to the Texas testing which provided evidence of an athletic advantage.> The science was clear, from the point of hypothesis, to the theory behind it, to the evidence.

Pacing definitions


(music) the speed at which a composition is to be played

See also: tempo


walking with slow regular strides