Oxytocin in a sentence as a noun

Now hug yourself and eat some chocolate -- may your blood always run high with oxytocin.

But people are not toys sitting idly to provide us a convenient hit of oxytocin when we need it.

What about a near-constant stream of endorphins and oxytocin?

Imagine touching your spouse one day and realizing that the endorphin and oxytocin release is no longer there.

Amount of Dopamine released in your brain will peak after about 2 years of being with a new partner, at which point it's replaced by oxytocin.

Surely you would agree that the amount of oxytocin the mother gets is not determined by the quality of her "sales strategy.

By what logic is an oxytocin pill in this context considered "recreational narcotics"?

Of course those are all transactions. The helping hand, the caring kiss from the depths of motherly love, etc - they are win-win transactions. The baby gets comfort and love and the mother gets a dose of oxytocin to encourage further bonding.

This idea may have scientific basis: dietary fats stimulate oxytocin production.

The main theory is that there is mammalian programming in your brain that releases oxytocin to make you feel good when you touch someone or engage in other bonding behavior.

The "mass stereotypes" you're mentioning here are respectively called "testosterone" and "oxytocin".

Matt can sound all helpful, and cuddly, and oxytocin-inducing all he wants, but he's basically stepping in and helping 1 site over another, when the whole process should NOT favor anyone.

And that it takes 2-3 weeks of avoiding orgasm to reset the neurochemistry in your brain, so that you get the blissful effects of oxytocin, without the dopamine depletion of orgasm.

This is interesting research but describing it as "a neurochemical amplifier of entrepreneurial behavior" is both premature & absurdly reductive - the equivalent of people referring to oxytocin as "the love hormone".

Oxytocin definitions


hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland (trade name Pitocin); stimulates contractions of the uterus and ejection of milk

See also: Pitocin