Overburden in a sentence as a noun

Think of a few feet of overburden, then a hundred feet of coal.

I cannot emphasize enough that you should not overburden your spouse.

In order to ensure that we don’t overburden the certificate authority resources, we are staging this process.

> "large teams are likely to operate in environments where large teams are required due to bureaucratic overburden"Exactly.

I think that this kind of information presentation leads to information overburden, the kind of which prevents people from opening an app more often than once a week.

Overburden in a sentence as a verb

Implanted medical devices do seem like the ideal situation for wireless access, albeit you probably don't want to overburden the thing with features either.

To start with the logistics, any private jets would just overburden the local flight control system that will now be under stress, and there are not going to be much free parking places for jets in Kathmandu airport.

Indeed…I just hope that problem is the same as when someone asked them, 15 years ago, how their crawler could handle websites with “tens of thousands of pages” fearing libraries would put their ressources on-line, overburden and halt their effort.

Consequently, if you store too many documents with the same hash attribute, wouldn't you overburden that subset of servers, and thus see performance degradation?Azure has similar functionality for their table service, requiring a partition key, and they explicitly say that there is a throughput limit for records with the same partition key.

Overburden definitions


the surface soil that must be moved away to get at coal seams and mineral deposits


an excessive burden

See also: overload


burden with too much work or responsibility


load with excessive weight