Outrank in a sentence as a verb

The search result that outranked Yelp was the official site!

A spam site outranking the official site of a popular tech download is a big deal.

Yelp of course wants to outrank official sites if you mention "yelp" anywhere in your search term.

Seems like an unfeasible task to outrank Apple using that keyword.

It's like asking Google : "I feel my competitors outrank me in results, and I deserve to be higher!

Yes, as a web designer, you should know better, but if they can outrank jquery, they can outrank anything.

You may not "like" the fact that teacher's unions are widespread in many countries which outrank the USA in education.

And I think I can get there easy because just one blog comment I made is responsible for 20 uniques per day and I know I can outrank that blog page with a little work.

The more controversial implied judgement is that man seek to outrank women in marriage, in effect making the spouse an inferior 'vp' to 'ceo' relation.

We actually outrank the USA in ability to start a company, and we rank about even in other business friendliness metrics[0].I think Australia's major problem is cultural.

Sites continue to successfully use paid links, sites continue to steal content and outrank the sources, and etc. Knowing your site's ranking data is obviously just as important a metric as any other a business might need to help them make decisions.

I mean that would be the Capitalist solution; and it would make banking into an heroic activity once again; and if telecast would surely outrank many other reality shows...Think of a nine-week show called The Bankers Ordeal that would use go-pros to record every moment of the grueling work schedule that would not stop until one of the contestants fell.

Outrank definitions


take precedence or surpass others in rank

See also: rank