Output in a sentence as a noun

At worst you'd have to get a custom designed output gear.

The output of cat looks like teeny-tiny website font.

I got handed a custom mp3 encoder and asked if I could figure out why the output was too quiet.

Escapements are the things that regulate the output of circular motion.

And so we have what is known as a public domain - a rich collection of creative output that is freely available to all.

" You can however rationalize your low work output by the fact that your management really hasn't given you all that much to do, so whose fault is that?

Output in a sentence as a verb

We can marvel at the output of an artist, or a writer, or a composer, or a film maker and yet fail to focus on the years of toil that often preceded that work.

Inventing a new method to deliver a new output can be creative, even inventive, including the choices of inputs needed and outputs returned.

The title, "Contents", was set in very heavy type which happened to be an unexpected edge case in the classifier and it matched the "o" with the "e" and "n" and output "Contoots".The classifier was adjusted and these errors mostly went away.

I may desire to create something wonderful and see to it that it is freely distributed to the maximum degree possible because I feel it is important that people benefit from my creative output without any obligation to me.

Those who value copyright and its social benefits in protecting creative output also value the public domain because it is a natural concomitant to the protected core of works that fall under copyright in any given generation.

I still remember the days when I was so dissatisfied with my lack of writing skills that I decided to devour the subject with a non-stop investment of thousands of hours of work specifically aimed at improving those skills - and the seemingly fruitless results of what seemed to be mediocre output at the time - only to wind up, in time, with some degree competence in that area, competence that has served me well professionally and otherwise as I now exercise that skill set in various ways.

Output definitions


final product; the things produced


production of a certain amount

See also: yield


signal that comes out of an electronic system


the quantity of something (as a commodity) that is created (usually within a given period of time); "production was up in the second quarter"

See also: yield production


what is produced in a given time period

See also: outturn turnout


to create or manufacture a specific amount; "the computer is outputting the data from the job I'm running"