Outfox in a sentence as a verb

Being nimble, using landlines, and understanding the enemy helped Zoltan outfox those who would try to stop him.

Again, that’s very different from most cancers, which are constantly adapting to outfox their hosts’ immune systems, or to grow a little faster, or to spread to new areas.

You aren't going to outfox them into thinking you don't have blueprints of your widgets and evaluations of your employees on file somewhere; focus on keeping them away from them.

The other is that NSA's internal security is so botched that a fresh-out-of-school 3 months on the job external contractor managed to outfox the NSA's security measures.

"A few exceptions don't invalidate we're in a bubble or justify the practices that get us in a bubble - traders trying to outfox other traders by reading the tea leaves of hype and ignoring the actually profitability and practicality of the business.

Outfox definitions


outdo someone in trickery


beat through cleverness and wit; "I beat the traffic"; "She outfoxed her competitors"

See also: outwit overreach outsmart beat circumvent