Ostracism in a sentence as a noun

Anyone who dared not to like it risked ostracism.

You aren't, inside you are millions of years of evolution to remove what is causing the ostracism.

It's so bad, that a blind person told me: "The ostracism from wearing it is worse than the ostracism from them realizing your blind."2.

"And often the costs are far beyond financial, including ostracism, shunning and shaming.

The payoff for this self-imposed ostracism is that you can be in the Metaverse all the time, and gather intelligence all the time.

It's revealing that selling your body results in social ostracism but selling your soul has the opposite effect.

This was the wording of the section at the famous time of the Twitter blog post describing the Bermuda quadrant of impending developer ostracism.

But when you start saying that publicly funded science classrooms should be teaching that drivel, you deserve every ounce of the hate, ridicule and ostracism that is coming your way.

Some people who have families choose to pursue their work above all else anyway, but this approach often carries the cost of divorce, resentful children, and some degree of social ostracism.

And then you discover that "helping people" has become such a poser cottage industry that simply _meaning_ to help counts, and that saying anything remotely unpleasant is cause for ostracism.

Many geeks have had horrible, humiliating, and formative experiences with ostracism, and the notion of being on the other side of the transaction is repugnant to them.

Communities, rife as they were with gossip, ostracism and superstitious cruelty, were always based on mutual need, not on acting out some supposedly gene-based pantomime.

Some of us, however, remember the torment, the humiliation, the violence, the scorn and the ostracism of finding science, electronics, and computers fascinating.

"Some of us, however, remember the torment, the humiliation, the violence, the scorn and the ostracism of finding science, electronics, and computers fascinating.

The threats of ostracism, humiliation, prison time, and execution act as deterrents, because we've proven again and again that they're basically inescapable.

Is there someone of equal standing who can visibly lead the community at Mozilla?Someone needs to fight for the Web, I don't think his personal contribution to Prop 8 merits complete ostracism from the other good work he has done.

>Communities, rife as they were with gossip, ostracism and superstitious cruelty, were always based on mutual needTo counter your easy dismissal I'd say modern individuals, rife as they are with selfiness, consumerism, lack of empathy and of time to connect to their neighborhood, are mostly basing their circles on career paths and personal interests, and other people being their cultural split image.

Ostracism definitions


the state of being banished or ostracized (excluded from society by general consent); "the association should get rid of its elderly members--not by euthanasia, of course, but by Coventry"

See also: banishment Coventry


the act of excluding someone from society by general consent