Orogeny in a sentence as a noun

Comet showers wouldn't explain things like orogeny, vulcanism, and the slow processes which also precede mass extinctions.

On the other hand, European tin deposits of the Variscan orogeny agree well with this time span so that an origin from European deposits is suggested.

India is a former continent underlain by its own craton and its own tectonic plate that has collided with the much larger Eurasian plate in the epic Himalayan orogeny [1].

I can think of other things that were happening that would put the ecosystem into near-critical stress:- For one thing, the Deccan traps were spewing crazy huge volumes of noxious material into the atmosphere for about 30,000 years.- For another, the supercontinent cycle was in a period of orogeny and likely caused an icehouse climate.

Orogeny definitions


the process of mountain formation (especially by the upward displacement of the earth's crust)