Ornery in a sentence as an adjective

It's not enough to be an ornery cuss.

I'll keep my ornery old mouth shut so you bright young minds can keep following the same narrow paths, new ideas be damned.

"Learning" something from a comment by that ornery dude on HN is not the same thing as seeing it in practice.

It's ugly, and ornery, and it stinks but it does its job and it's cheap and simple and it's not going away anytime soon.

That's a much, much sticker proposition; as you posit, "the quagmire to end all quagmires", we're an ornery people.

"Police get all ornery when there's any kind of perceived challenge to their authority.

What factory wouldn't prefer a pliant, cheaper, healthier 16 year old to a demanding, hungrier, ornery adult?

But, I considered all the others, and if Texas proves to be ornery for any reason, I won't hesitate to "move" to South Dakota or Florida.

If the author only paid $4 to escape that ornery-looking, club-like loaf of bread he baked at home, he should probably consider himself fortunate.

Even assuming that the rest of the country has people stupider than Massachusetts, and more ornery, it's really not going to be anywhere near as bad as you're predicting.

Please enlighten me re: the law they've broken, otherwise I hope you can see the inherent irony in your statement... edit: I'm not being ornery, I'm really actually curious what people think they should go to prison for. Tastelessness != criminality.

Another had a better analogy: "It's like having a busload of grumpy senior citizens show up at your store, picking through stuff, complaining about the prices, going on about irrelevant things, and generally being ornery, obnoxious and trashing everything that you've done.

Ornery definitions


having a difficult and contrary disposition; "a cantankerous and venomous-tongued old lady"- Dorothy Sayers

See also: cantankerous crotchety