Orderly in a sentence as a noun

Statistics does not work that way, things are not neat and orderly and you can't extrapolate like that.

"Be regular and orderly in your life like a bourgeois, so that you may be violent and original in your work.

So over the next few months Im going to divest myself of all of those investments in an orderly fashion, and Ill update readers on the progress.

Would it still be fair then?Yes, because running a project, mentoring, moderation and releasing in an orderly fashion is far more work then most people expect.

He says that he had an orderly plan for reviewing privacy issues, all the while, I think that his administration has consistently been trying to keep things hushed up.

Another sizeable minority act through their roles as if the plane had made a successful landing; stand up to grab their carry-on luggage, then form an orderly queue.

It will be a slow extinction from apathy, indifference, and undernourishment.- Robert M. HutchinsThat said I don't think you can look at India with a western "orderly" "everything must make sense" mindset.

Orderly in a sentence as an adjective

They are by and large people who genuinely care about overseeing a justice system that facilitates the orderly activity of the economy.

To take Moore's law into account, the system automatically adjusts the difficulty to keep everything chugging along in an orderly fashion.

Its core design is a masterpiece and ought to be studied as an example of the power of software design itself—something we're mostly still pretty bad at. It might be hard to get that taken seriously, though, since on the surface Emacs is obtuse, clunky, and old. Only when you dive underneath does it become orderly and beautiful.

But time and again, the knowledge gets discarded because it's just easier to "work through the night" at a frantic pace, rather than take the necessary step back, let people rest and do the work in an orderly and planned manner.

Communicate honestly about what's been tried and failed, but don't ruminate excessively about having "let them down".If 'doom' is still a month or two off, but inevitable, attempt orderly wind-down.

And search engines continued this evolution, making the point of entry into most users' internet experience very centralized, orderly, and convenient without walling everything up.

What should have been done is an orderly government takeover through bankruptcy courts, then fire all the executives and finally break up the giant banks into 100 smaller institutions that would then compete with each other and wouldn't have as much lobbying clout in DC.

Orderly definitions


a soldier who serves as an attendant to a superior officer; "the orderly laid out the general's uniform"


a male hospital attendant who has general duties that do not involve the medical treatment of patients


devoid of violence or disruption; "an orderly crowd confronted the president"


clean or organized; "her neat dress"; "a neat room"

See also: neat