Oral in a sentence as a noun

I worked at an oral surgeons office for a few years.

Some kids who have poor role models are going to ask for oral sex from boys or girls that like them.

It's called the "grand oral", all students are together in an amphithtre and they pass one by one on stage.

He's probably for purpose of recording an oral history.

Oral in a sentence as an adjective

The oral medication disulfram shares a similar mechanism of action, but it has to be taken every day. When a patient begins to struggle they often stop the antabuse, losing the benefit.

It's against the Ontario Human Rights code to ask any question on a written or oral application that classifies someone on a discriminatory ground.

It possesses poor oral bioavailability; it must be given intravenously for most infections.

Consider also that your statement is blatantly false: the oral polio vaccine developed in the 1950s remains in use today, and has successfully contributed to the eradication of polio in most of the world.

Oral definitions


an examination conducted by spoken communication

See also: viva


using speech rather than writing; "an oral tradition"; "an oral agreement"

See also: unwritten


of or relating to or affecting or for use in the mouth; "oral hygiene"; "an oral thermometer"; "an oral vaccine"


of or involving the mouth or mouth region or the surface on which the mouth is located; "the oral cavity"; "the oral mucous membrane"; "the oral surface of a starfish"


a stage in psychosexual development when the child's interest is concentrated in the mouth; fixation at this stage is said to result in dependence, selfishness, and aggression