Luxurious in a sentence as an adjective

Even if it's cheaper, the image is too luxurious.

In many parts of the east coast that's a pretty luxurious 3 bedroom condo.

They're luxurious fantasies that many of us can't afford to nurse.

Free snacks, lot's of parties, luxurious office furniture, skateboarding in the hall...

But "luxurious" has connotations that go beyond "good conditions".

Dan likes everything to be very nice, luxurious even, for his participants.

But these same Nigerians also deal with mundane and seemingly luxurious hassles.

Their native habitat consists of rainwater puddles held in volcanic rock, so the shrimposphere is probably fairly luxurious.

One option, generally only successfully exercised by the very rich, is to engage in constant luxurious pleasure.

There are definitely amazing, luxurious aspects of programming.

So congratulations: as a country, you've just spent XX billion building a shitload of luxurious dubiously-useful education infrastructure.

One or two tokens with strong business relationships to Whites join, but where are all the other Black businesspeople and professionals?A liberal White member sighs, "I don't understand why the Black people don't want to relax in our luxurious club, play a round on our excellent course, and eat our sumptuous dining fare.

Luxurious definitions


displaying luxury and furnishing gratification to the senses; "an epicurean banquet"; "enjoyed a luxurious suite with a crystal chandelier and thick oriental rugs"; "Lucullus spent the remainder of his days in voluptuous magnificence"; "a chinchilla robe of sybaritic lavishness"

See also: epicurean luxuriant sybaritic voluptuary voluptuous


rich and superior in quality; "a princely sum"; "gilded dining rooms"

See also: deluxe gilded grand opulent princely sumptuous