Opposing in a sentence as an adjective

They'll sweep up anything from anyone who has any success in opposing or embarrassing them.

I really admire how much Notch seems to understand opposing viewpoints that most people would simply make inflammatory posts about.

Fitzgerald said "the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.

Considering that the US has zero speech-related internet censorship, and the comparison is to a law banning sharing any news articles online and publishing any material opposing the government, I'd say the US still has a valid complaint here.

Even once you've 'made it' and acquired one of the biggest, most powerful vessels in the game, you have dramatic weaknesses - a pilot in a supercarrier worth $500 USD can, despite his mighty defenses and arsenal of fighters and point-defense weapons, be undone by a single opposing player in a ship that is literally worth nothing.

Opposing definitions


characterized by active hostility; "opponent (or opposing) armies"

See also: opponent