Omnipresence in a sentence as a noun

And that's where the battle for omnipresence will be won.

As Jeff said, PHP's power is its ubiquity and its near omnipresence.

I call this "personal application omnipresence" and would prefer it across all my devices.

The key thing for me is the omnipresence: having a nice big list next to you all of the time I think would be a great reminder of your priorities.

At the same time, things that he thinks are fundamentally important are attacked in obvious ways by the omnipresence of cars and computers.

It's the repetition and omnipresence of the repetition.

Imagine how that plays out once you factor in the growing omnipresence of cameras and the longevity of digital data.

No one should ever feel that failure on any particular project will result in a ruined career - the omnipresence of that fear is what has given rise to timid film-making in the mainstream.

Desktop computers--and more accurately personal home networks--have lost their role as the central computing hub for individuals by a misguided means of gaining application omnipresence: what I call "the plain cloud.

By blinds and other contrivances, the inspectors concealed - from the observation of the prisoners: hence the sentiment of a sort of omnipresence The whole circuit reviewable with little, or if necessary without any, change of place.

Omnipresence definitions


the state of being everywhere at once (or seeming to be everywhere at once)

See also: ubiquity ubiquitousness