Oiliness in a sentence as a noun

Just lots of smudges and oiliness after the oleophobic coating wears off.

The acidity counteracts the oiliness and the sugar in the tomatoes and salt on the fries rounds out the flavor profile.

I drink coffee and eat buttered toast and can see the oiliness floating around just from the tiny amount of butter that gets into the coffee.

Specifically on the matter of shampoo, I think it’s necessary to manage oiliness.

If that comes at the expense of "destroying" the photo's accurate representation of the color of your couch cushions or the oiliness of your skin, so be it; those things are not memorable.

It is hardly reliable, given how great of a percentage of people have drift issues, as well as obvious oversights in the joycon build: overly long flat cables that have to be bent 180deg and end up breaking, use of a plastic that is clearly not meant for continuous direct handling since it quickly stains with sweat/skin oiliness.

Oiliness definitions


consisting of or covered with oil

See also: greasiness oleaginousness


smug self-serving earnestness

See also: fulsomeness oleaginousness smarminess unctuousness unction