Offload in a sentence as a verb

Then use ExpanDrive to offload the rest and access it as needed.

Guys like Buffet must absolutely love the Fed because they have an outlet to offload their illiquid garbage bonds and derivatives. Imagine if you made a terrible investment that loses most of its value...

Self-regarding parasites like this just offload all their support systems onto other people and then brag about how minimal and self sufficient they are.

The codes on the paper were enough of a picture to offload that bit of cognitive processing... With the web interface, as soon as you clicked and had to pause or search - you'd lose the thread.

I could care less if this is open source, if I'm going to offload my data to a 3rd party, open source or not and I'm worried about privacy I'm going to encrypt it. I honestly could care less what happens on the back-end, just commit to a data loss and reliability SLA and I'm happy.

"With the way that the game works, we offload a significant amount of the calculations to our servers so that the computations are off the local PCs and are moved into the cloud. It wouldn't be possible to make the game offline without a significant amount of engineering work by our team."

I've always had mixed emotions about NICs that have hardware assisted offload features. I welcome the decrease in CPU utilization and increased throughput, but the NIC ends up being a complex system that very subtle bugs can lurk inside versus being a simple I/O device that a kernel driver controls.

Perhaps you've heard of something called ruby / python, that offload massive amounts of intellectual capacity off of programmers. Seriously, how many ruby programmers know assembly?

You think it's okay to try to offload the risk and the time necessary to pick up a new technology to an employee and their free time, vs. providing the time and the resources for learning on the job?

Then you offload the collection and maintenance of the list to an unaccountable third party, who is not bound by law on what they can introduce on the list. Furthermore, you make sure that the police are not only understaffed to deal with any fallout - they are actively avoiding any and all responsibility.

To your point - the whole idea behind Webstart, Java applets, Winforms, was to mimic the native UI on the web & try to offload as much client-side logic to the client's machine. Turned out customers didn't like "fat clients" - they wanted textfields & simple input forms, accept their inputs & go away & process the inputs elsewhere.

They offload some of the compositing and some of the fetching and asset flattening server side, and then serve up to the device with custom protocol the pre-rendered flattened data anything that can be done server side. That is exactly the same way those other accelerator products already work for mobile.

And such is the definition of a negative externality - to offload the costs of these effects onto other tenants and even the city, without any recompense. AirBnb has created this need for additional legal cost and even additional policing yet is paying for none of it.

Perhaps you've heard of something called ruby / python, that offload massive amounts of intellectual capacity off of programmers. I'm not sure where this falls on the serious-but-mental/clever-troll scale but it's pretty far at one end or the other. Ruby and Python offload massive amounts of intellectual capacity from programmers?

It costs a lot of money, which means people who invest in content production need to offload a lot of money and wish to guard their investment as much as possible, since that's what it is - an investment in a project. Financing cycles and budgeting is as lean as possible in showbusiness, and a lot of money is involved both upfront for production and later when gathering yield.

Offload definitions


transfer to a peripheral device, of computer data


take the load off (a container or vehicle); "unload the truck"; "offload the van"

See also: unload unlade