Octillion in a sentence as a noun

I lost 5 hours to this on Friday and made 5 octillion paperclips.

I'm guessing about three or four octillion Zimbabwe dollars.

79 octillion addresses ought to be enough for anybody.

Likely those developers in places like Zimbabwe would be thinking it's in octillions anyway.

If you mapped those results to the 160-bit hash, finding a collision, even ignoring the added time to compute the larger hash, would take 97 octillion years.

It's important people become aware of it since right now all the jury will hear is "there is a 1 in X octillion chance it is not this guy's DNA" and they will convict.

This attitude that we have to design processes as if there are five hundred quintillion octillions of googolplexes of novemdecillions of cheating lying "fake coders" for every one qualified person is not rooted in reality, nor is the level of paranoia you're displaying.

Even then, 10^3 = thousand 10^6 = million 10^9 = billion 10^12 = trillion 10^15 = quadrillion, or thousand trillion 10^18 = quintillion, or million trillion 10^21 = sextillion, or billion trillion 10^24 = heptillion, or trillion trillion 10^27 = octillion, or thousand trillion trillion 10^30 = nonillion, or million trillion trillion 10^33 = decillion, or billion trillion trillion 10^36 = undecillion, or trillion trillion trillion One of those numbering conventions is not tremendously useful, and the other is very very very stupid.

Octillion definitions


the number that is represented as a one followed by 27 zeros