Quintillion in a sentence as a noun

So if you had a machine that could check a trillion possible keys per second it would take over 10 quintillion years to try all possible 128-bit keys.

There are something like 10 quintillion insects inhabiting earth.

That is, you don't have to physically have up through 2 quintillion addressable bytes for a pointer with that value to be valid.

That's only 60 variables, which can produce a quintillion variations.

I'm officially calling ******** on the algorithm requiring "one quintillion variables".

From the article: "When we begin our support for home gateway devices late this year, we initially plan to use a default IPv6 prefix allocation that is a /64 in length, providing over 18 quintillion IPv6 addresses.

It seems more likely that the reporter made a mistake, and there are actually a quintillion possible internal states generated from a relatively small number of variables, not a quintillion variables.

Quintillion definitions


the number that is represented as a one followed by 18 zeros