Oceanography in a sentence as a noun

I got through some of my hardest engineering exams knowing I'd one day get to do something as cool as them. I now build research instruments for physical oceanography.

Nitpick: That heat ferried by the gulf stream is what warns the Baltic is a quasi-religious supposition from the father of oceanography.

The scaremongering is being perpetrated by people who generally have no background in either oceanography or nuclear physics [1].

I wonder how many people making this claim are willing to apply it to geology, oceanography, climate science, astronomy and epidemiology?

Stanford already has a satellite campus in Monterrey, CA for marine biology and oceanography students where students split time between the main and satellite campuses.

I've never heard a useful experimental procedure that can distinguish between the two. Yours in particular is very overconstrained; I don't know of a "unifying theory" for astronomy, geology, oceanography, or computer science, all of which are in my university's "college of mathematical and natural sciences," which are all presumably "hard.

He even calls Gates shallow for enjoying a course on oceanography!>Jonathan Freedman is a professor of English and American cultureI don't mean to demean any discipline, but I wonder if his specialization has anything to do with the condescending tone.

Wait, so you're saying that despite the fact that: - We have accurate measurements of ocean Ph and CO2 concentrations for the past 50 years - We have a clear understanding of the emissions of CO2 from manmade sources and a record that goes back since the beginning of the industrial age - We understand the effects of acidification on a large variety of ocean species - We see a trend of ocean absorbtion of CO2 absolutely consistent with out knowledge of atmospheric chemistryThat means that it's BS?If you had some evidence to back up the fact as to why a set of multiple thousands of studies in oceanography are flawed when they point out to a singular trend, with a margin of confidence greater than most of the so-called scientific facts that are out there, I wouldn't think what you write is plain denialism.

Oceanography definitions


the branch of science dealing with physical and biological aspects of the oceans

See also: oceanology