Demean in a sentence as a verb

Who are you to attack this man's accomplishments and demean his work?

The makers of Legos demean girls by marketing girly sets to them.

And, in this case, you're just putting words in the author's mouth in order to invent a way to demean and dismiss her.

People interrupt each other, openly demean and correct each other.

Doesn't the porn industry demean and humiliate and objectify men, too?

A good product is about vision, and a design nerd or code nerd can have it, and that doesn't demean or diminish the value of the other.

That's fine, but saying "this code makes my eyes bleed" is very obviously meant to demean the human being who wrote the code, not the code itself.

It is in absolutely no way comparable to goons dragging people off to death chambers and you demean this debate by implying it is.

Be incredibly thankful there is someone that will still do it and do not demean them by saying if they would "only do what they love they would find success.

These drone on endlessly are so awful they demean the dignity of the companies that have them, so I won't finger anyone to protect the guilty.

It's hard to know where to start, so I'll just dig in:Why do you demean and dehumanize tech workers, while glorifying Latinos, homeless people, coal miners, and anyone who's lived in San Francisco since... 2006?

I don't want to make demean important movements in the sixties by making comparisons of their oddities but money/power worked then and Senators/Representatives know it.

You yell and scream about silent circle, about Skype -you demean and disrespect other noted cryptographers when they get press....I work for the govt -your little Hello-Kitty plug in is akin to sugar koolaid.

But is Anderson Cooper making that money as a journalist or as a TV personality?I don't mean to demean him by saying that, as I'm not very familiar with his background or his career.

He even calls Gates shallow for enjoying a course on oceanography!>Jonathan Freedman is a professor of English and American cultureI don't mean to demean any discipline, but I wonder if his specialization has anything to do with the condescending tone.

Are they merely sad social outcasts, or are they brutes for taking advantage of their social setting to harass and demean women?Women are harassed regularly both in and out of the workplace, and the responsibility needs to be on the harasser to change their behavior, not on the harassed to "find compassion".

Demean definitions


reduce in worth or character, usually verbally; "She tends to put down younger women colleagues"; "His critics took him down after the lecture"

See also: degrade disgrace