Obverse in a sentence as a noun

Maybe they want just obverse us, like Bostrom mentioned.

I agree with you, it's just that the one that I'd question would be the obverse.

Ruby won't try to guess the obverse function, unlike J.

This is the obverse of "when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

The obverse is that you have good-old-boy networks that let friends and family off easy.

This is the obverse of the idea that just because you succeed does not necessarily know why you succeeded.

Or, on the obverse, anyone with actual knowledge/anecdata of what #gay and #lesbian did contain before Tumblr blocked them out?

There are 2p and 2 coins[1], but sadly all currency must have the monarch's head on the obverse; a second head on the reverse would probably be unwelcome.

And at those times, I run into the obverse problem: the content presented is copious but the information presented is sparse.

We know what we consciously obverse is different from the input we get from our sensory organs - which is the reason things like optical illusions exist.

Too little contrast, even the "high contrast" theme has too much grey, and does the obverse of what you'd want: it highlights read messages by coloring the background rather than muting the foreground.

The obverse of the coin is "consumer rights" wherein buying "Little Plastic ****" is seen as a high form of social engagement and the primary civic duty of ordinary Americans.

Obverse definitions


the more conspicuous of two alternatives or cases or sides; "the obverse of this issue"


the side of a coin or medal bearing the principal stamp or design