Obstruction in a sentence as a noun

Failure to do so is best contempt of court and worst obstruction of justice.

The reason why he destroyed it now is so that he doesn't face obstruction of justice charges later.

And as dumb as it is, I've only in the last few years overcome that completely illogical obstruction in my mind.

When the lines between what's in our heads and what's written down are sufficiently blurred, what's obstruction of justice and what's a fifth-amendment right?

If a manager is an obstruction to getting work done, then he's a bad manager, and domain understanding won't turn him around.

The intellectual cost of that obstruction to the efficient use of my time can't be over-estimated.

Twenty-four of the 36 flight attendants who responded listed carry-on baggage as an obstruction.

Zimmermann on the shut-down and elimination of Silent Circle email: "Its not obstruction of justice if you do it before justice comes calling.

Without it, the DOJ could simply ask any ****** suspect to reveal where they stashed the body and ****** weapon, charging them with obstruction of justice or contempt of court if they didn't answer.

In rugby, the equivalent is called "obstruction" and is illegal, thus there are far more opportunities - requirements - for player collision in American football.

Consider the 002, which Apple charges is infringed by Motorolas preventing partial obstruction of its smartphones notification windows.

There is no evidence, and it seems more than unlikely, that occasional partial obstruction would appreciably reduce the value of Motorolas smartphones to consumersApple didnt even bother to install a notification window on its devices until last year.

Obstruction definitions


any structure that makes progress difficult

See also: obstructor obstructer impediment impedimenta


the physical condition of blocking or filling a passage with an obstruction

See also: blockage


something immaterial that stands in the way and must be circumvented or surmounted; "lack of imagination is an obstacle to one's advancement"; "the poverty of a district is an obstacle to good education"; "the filibuster was a major obstruction to the success of their plan"

See also: obstacle


the act of obstructing; "obstruction of justice"


getting in someone's way