Blockage in a sentence as a noun

But you don't need ***** to solve this blockage.

Most ***** are not mind expanders, but blockage solvers.

If you feel such a monumental blockage toward completing certain tasks, then just leave it, give it up, it's not for you.

What's keeping it from happening sooner is not a hard technical blockage, but a lack of interest from entrenched players.

Indigestible material can cause a blockage in your colon, which can cause severe pain, damage to your colon, and even death.

Skeptical at first, but then saw this: Each blockage HowAboutWe found among the committed couples \n they studied has a corresponding feature on the new site.

What he's really talking about are thought-starting techniques: hacks you can use to break your initial blockage and get something workable onto the page.

While they may obey the speed limit, they will also drive in the right lane so it's OK. What is annoying are people blocking passing lanes which results in aggressive drivers making less than good decisions about maneuvering around the blockage.

They seek legislative blockage due to their thorough inability to be compatible with emerging patterns of consumption.

* Initial indication of root cause is blockage in oxidizer pressurization system.

In my experience, most of the time that you see hardcore polarization on an issue, where all appeals to reason seem to fall on deaf ears, it's actually due to some kind of emotional blockage like this.

The catastrophe theory model seems compatible with the anti-traffic solution to traffic 'standing waves' - by slowing down a little when approaching stationary traffic, allowing that stationary blockage time to 'evaporate', you avoid slowing down below the catastrophic threshold that puts your rear bumper more than 2 seconds behind your front bumper, keeping the road in the higher capacity regime.

Blockage definitions


the physical condition of blocking or filling a passage with an obstruction

See also: obstruction


an obstruction in a pipe or tube; "we had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe"

See also: block closure occlusion stop stoppage


the act of blocking

See also: closure occlusion